Eric's and Cheri's 'farm'

This is the story of how a man and a his wife, or is it a woman and her husband, picked up everything they owned and moved to rural Florida to start a new life together, or that is with their two new horses, and their three mini aussies, and their new deer, andthe spiders, and the rabbits, and the mosquitos, and the . . .

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

it's been a loooong time between posts here,...

Well, a lot's happened since Eric last posted. For more details, head over to cuz I'm too lazy to write it all out,...

But the synopsis is:

  • We are down to one creaky 4 banger Mustang to drive, plus the shop car;
  • I have been working from home for almost two years now and LOVE IT;
  • we still don't have the Prius, (the economy SUX TEH BIG and we can't afford new cars yet;)
  • but we did go to GenCon, Nerd Heaven!)
  • Gulf Wars was fun, but even though I was deputy EMIC, didn't get the EMIC job for this year, (but that's o.k., we are broke beyond belief;)
  • we lost one of our big spotty girls to colic this Fall, (broke my heart,;)
  • and another horse got poked in the eye and bitten by a snake, (the reason we are beyond broke,...)
  • My dad got remarried to a wonderful lady; (my mom has been passed on for almost 5 years now;) he still rides his Harley, but updates his blog less than I update mine;
  • we had the cutest brown doe born this year;
  • Eric is finally really enjoying his work on the Constellation project and feels challenged, although he's working his butt off;
  • he's lost more weight and is Teh Cute;
  • I found the weight, and am NOT Teh Cute;
  • my daughter broke up with her boyfriend of 4 years, so she is sad and I am sad for her. But just like any mom, I believe he isn't good enough for her, =-)
  • My friend Carol moved from Tampa to Gainesville to live with her mom;
  • We still haven't cleared the front 3 acres;
  • We still haven't finished repainting the house;
  • The plumbing is a horror;
  • we still haven't converted teh attic to a library;
  • And I still can't spell worth crap, but I'm too lazy to run the spell checker, so deal,....
And I know there is more, but I can't remember,...

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Someone Cut the Cheese!

So, life on the farm is good  . . .

We've been here for nearly three years and the deer herd has grown to eighteen, and then shrunk to eleven . . . one to old-man time, two to rutting season, and four to the freezer.

The foals are now twenty months old . . . and eating as much as their mamas!

The pump on our well has been replaced twice and the tank once . . . hopefully we won't have to replace the pump again.

We are going to need to look at our septic system eventually . . . 

And I've discovered the joys of Cheese Making . . . much to Cheri's, uh, well, lets just say that 'delight' does NOT describe what she thinks . . . :-)

Eric "The Cheese" Smith

Monday, July 23, 2007

Been a long time,...

Well, It's been a while since I posted here,... I discovered LJ, and have made a few posts there. If you want to check it out, go to, leave me a comment, =-)

Everything is well here, we have 4 healthy horses, (the fillies are now 15 months old) and 18 healthy deer. Still 3 dogs,.... One of the vihicles died, and we are trying to figure a way to buy a new Prius.

Eric is working on interesting stuff at NASA, I will let him tell of it.

Gotta run!

Friday, November 03, 2006

A Joke gone hayWIRE!

Hi Folks!

I thought I'd post a quick note about the progress we've made towards weening the foals. Nyx and Gwen are now 6 months old and the mamas are tired of feeding them. Unfortunately, Stella is the only one willing to kick the baby off so Blanche has taken to feeding both babies. We could hardly keep the weight on her, so we've decided its time to help.

Help? You might ask?

Yeah, the idea was to install an electric fence so we could separate the mamas and the babies long enough for the milk to dry up. We got the wire installed on Sunday last and I can personally vouch for its effectiveness! I think Cheri wanted me to back into the fence on purpose. That'll teach me to joke about having horse for dinner!

Anyway, the babies are well on their way to being weened, and they're hating every minute if it . . .


Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Latest from the Frontier

So there I was getting ready for work . . .

Kisses, our mini-ausie bitch, was laying on our nice, comfy livingroom chair, just following me with her eyes. Everytime I came close to her she would indolently roll over onto her back, as if to say "Pool boy. Scratch my belly . . ."

When I was nearly ready for work, an idea hit me. While straightening out my shirt in preparation for leaving, I slowly fell into a half-crouch. Kisses was still watching me, laying on her belly, her chin laying across her feet. At the right moment, I leapt towards Kisses and snatched her up! "AAARRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!"

The little bitch completely ignored my attempt to scare the wileys out of her! She simple collapsed onto my shoulder when I had her up, then twisted her head around and licked my nose!

I don't know what I'm going to do with her . . .

Oh, and I noticed Cheri hasn't made a post in awhile so I thought I'd bring you up to speed of the goings-on at the farm . . .

Spring is here. Can you guess how I know? Its not that the birds have returned. This is Florida, they never leave. Its not the bees flying from blossom to blossom. Its not even the 'April showers', which have been strangely absent this year . . .

No, its the eight new hooves in the horse pen and the sixteen new hooves in the deer pen.

that's right! Blanch and Stella had their babies and four of our little deer mommies had fawns!

You can see pictures of the Foals, Blackroot's Stonewall Nyx and Blackroot's Stonewall Guinevere, Nyx and Gwen for short, here:

We don't have pictures of the deer up yet but we will eventually, as well as a live Deer Cam one day.

Well, I'll let you go now. Have a good day!


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Adding to the family,...

We have a new pet! A really pretty, really fat, rat named Splinter (flashing on the Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles,...). He belonged to one of the contractor's sons from work, and I guess the young man wasn't a very good rat daddy, so Splinter now resides with us; in his fancy rat condo. If our house were as nice as his cage, it would be a half million dollar affair,....

The Ladies are doing well. They have both put on a coupla hundred pounds, but as they are big girls to begin with, that's not that dramatic. The farrier, Amy Tuten, did their feet 2 weeks ago. Stella was good, Blanche had 3 abscesses (in three feet), but Amy said they weren't bad, pro'lly the result of their long haul from California. Blanche also had white line disease, so I have been putting stuff on it. You wouldn't have know it, it didn't slow her down any,...

They sure love to eat! They go through a hay round a week, and 3 50lb bags of 12% pellets, and a jug of corn oil. They will eat anything! When it is bran day, all I have to do is dump it in the bucket. No top dressing, no molasses to disguise it,.... They hoover it down!

They are now at 5 mo pregnant. I gave them their Pnumabort shots last week. First Stella swelled up, a welt the size of a football on her neck. She wouldn't put her head down to eat! So she tried Blanche's bucket. Musta been the bucket was defective, right? Nope, same problem there. I gave her a bute tablet. She ate it. Didn't have to hide it or nuthin! She finally ate, but it was sheer agony for her.

Well, it took about 3 days before she was comfy again, and by then, Blanche had welted up. Apparently, it's not that uncommon for mares to have a reaction to those shots. Seems they may be allergic to the fluid that carries the virus. Someone recommended a big dose of benydryl next time.

I'm working on buying two bridles and two saddles. See the bridles here, (I love this site!) Check out the Pagony bridle w/ silver piping. Very Spiff, and matches the farm and household colors.
Here's the saddles I want, scroll down to the Campdraft Specials. This is the clearance page, so imagine that there's two black 20" saddles there, =-) We will pro'lly only get one at a time, as we want black w/o a horn, and anyway, we can only afford one at a time.

Their teeth need to be floated, that's the next big horse bill. I have been working some side jobs (faux painting, sculpting) so if I can get the money before Jan is over, I'll have the Eq Dentist out. Otherwise, he recommends waiting until they foal, as sometimes he uses tranques and doesn't want it to affect the foals the mares are carrying.

Dogs are covered in burrs,... What happened to that famous Aussie coat that is supposed to shed those things?

Tripod body checked Kisses, and we were afraid he had broken her leg. She was really hurting! I took her to the vet today for x-rays, no break, but some torn ligaments in her shoulder. She has to be walked on a leash for 4 weeks, no playing, cold packs, physical therapy twice a week, aspirin twice a day; poor puppers.

We are going to offer Tripod for sale. It breaks my heart, but we aren't doing him any good letting him run amok like a mutt. He needs to be with a house-full of boys, who will show him at agility or herding, and actively promote his stud services. We are just wasting him here. He has way too much energy, and great breeding.

My dad has flown to Vegas for the week, so we will pro'lly just have a quiet Christmas w/ Jacqueline. Thanksgiving was so awesome anyway, with Eric's parents to visit, and Dad and Linda over and Sean and Grace. We had such a good, but busy, =-) time! I'm hoping for Christmas, we can just lay around and vegetate, =-) Maybe break out the video games. I don't think I get any time off from work, my boss thinks we are behind in Design; even though there's a stack of 30!!! jobs by his desk waiting to be cut, and Fifi and I are looking for work!

Well, that's all I can think of,....

Later, Taters!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Cost/Benefit Analysis

Begin Analysis:

Left Side of the Scale: Feet hurt/Legs Hurt/Back Hurts/Pretty much everything that's me hurts . . .

Right Side of the Scale: The Pain I'll feel in my butt when she starts to gripe and moan about how tired she is too . . .

Left Scale: The potential of breaking some part of me that is important . . .

Right Scale: The measure of sympathy I'll garner as a result of doing it despite my current condition . . .

Left Scale: That whole breaking an important part of me thing . . . again . . .

Right Scale: When you are as big as I am, a 50lb bag of feed is nothing . . .

Left Scale: The 25 foot trudge with said 50lb bag of feed, done three times . . .

Right Scale: Its NOT standing around in the middle of the 50 degree night holding the reins of an 1800lb coiled spring of flight instinct with four hooves the size of plates just waiting to drag this puny (compared to it at least) human through the brush and mud as it escapes from the local saber-toothed tiger or boogey horse or other such fierce and dangerous denizen of the North Mims Jungle at night . . .


Move the bloody feed from her truck to the porch!